Saturday, October 6, 2012

Envelope Design

CGR 115
Not only does this envelope design need work but it also violates some restrictions of where things are allowed to go on an envelope. First off they have a solid black line going right into the area thats designated for the stamp. Second off they have a dark red line in the area designated for the bar code. So right off the bat theres two things that need to be fixed. Now, what I would do is make both of those lines much thinner and move them closer together. Then I would start then in the space next to where the address starts and run them over to the front of the envelope. This will make it so the viewer feels the need to turn the envelope over. I like the overall design of the logo bout I feel like the line underneath the company title should be under the whole title, not just centered in the middle. The color scheme is nice, I like that they have some different variations of grey in the logo, it makes it look a bit less harsh.  I also like the faded triangle on the right hand side, although I not sure if that would create a problem with the address placement. Overall good idea, the placement just needs work. 

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