Wednesday, September 26, 2012


CGR 115

I have a few complaints about this business card but overall I like the idea and the design. As I said I like the design but I think it can be easily overpowering. I don't have as much of a problem with the first card as I do the second one. For me the design is so strong in the second card, that it detracts from the information. I also don't like that the contact information is so small and shoved into the corner. i think if they faded the design into the background, moved the contact information to where the tell you what the company does and then moved that information to across the bottom or somewhere off to the side, it would be much better. As for the top card I like to type but lose the tail on the W, it feels weird and makes me second guess what I'm reading. I like the color scheme, browns and golds, they compliment each other well but be careful because its starting to remind me of the UPS  company.

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