Friday, September 28, 2012

Open Access


I feel that this is a pretty successful book cover but there are a few things I would change. The first would be direction of the lock. I feel it just looks awkward with the opening of the lock facing the left  of the book, to me it takes your eye away from the page. Also instead of a circle for the lock maybe they could have tried a square. The circle resembles the target logo a little bit. In my opinion the title and the author should be a bit bigger, it almost gets lost at the top. My eye goes to the lock first and the title second, that needs to be reversed. I do however like the color choice but I feel like they need another orange line at the top or something to balance out the heavy orange line at the bottom. I like the font choice and the fact that they chose white for the title, those two things mixed together makes me think of open access. You don't want a heavy font or a heavy color to represent open access because it would make you think grounded, prohibited, not allowed and shut out. Good choice on that.

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