Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Business Card 3

CGR 115

This business card has potential but I see some improvements that must be made. First off, I like blue and its a good color to use but that first card has so much light blue I feel as though the card is being washed out. If your going to use that much light blue then do not use white for your information. Also I don't like the type in this card at all. I feel like the placement of everything on the first card is wrong. His name is getting lost in the graphic design and the graphic design is smashing the smaller information beneath it. Plus nothing line up. I would take the name off the front all together, make up a small symbol to represent the company and the maybe incorporate that design into the background. As for the second card, either get a new font or adjust the tracking but everything is way to close together. I would get rid of the numbers and instead do small bullet points or incorporate the symbol you created for the top card into bullet points. I like the colors and the line at the bottom but I just feel like the top card is to light and washed out and the bottom card to too bold and heavy.

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