Tuesday, September 25, 2012

High Rise


This is a book cover design for a book called High Rise. I personally don't like this book cover and I have many reasons why. First off the color scheme does not compliment the title. When I look at these colors i think, girly novel. High rises are the furthest thing from my mind when I see these colors. I think they should have stuck with a black and white cover or took it to a night scene and added some yellows or golds to represent light you might see in the high rises. Next, the way they are trying to put the type into an image is just not working. It took me awhile to even figure out what that said which is bad considering the title that they have under the authors name is so small its barley even noticeable. I would have switched the placement of the author and the book title and I also would have made the title much bigger. I actually don't mind the text in this, I like that they choose a bold font, I think it represents the boldness of a high rise.

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