Tuesday, September 25, 2012



I really like this book cover for " The Audacity of Hope" by Barak Obama. Overall I think its designed very well. The colors alone are just amazing. They go together so well. I absolutely love the bits of gold throughout the cover. Gold is a very warm color and I think it represents hope very well. I also like hoe the "O" brings your attention to the most important information. The huge letters that make up the word hope could have easily taken over the whole cover, but they didn't because of that red "O". I also love the font. I like the mix between the serif and san serif font. I think the serf font gives the book a feel of greater importance and I think the san serif "hope" makes it so the word is not over powering. My only complaint is that the "P" in hope should bleed off the page to match the "H" and "E".

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